The MATTES Square is available in GP, Dressage and Show Jumping styles in sizes Med and Large.
Mattes saddle cloths are a first class and highly functional saddle pad.
Mattes uses a blend of high quality cotton/polyester quilted fabric which is strong and flexible. The core of the pad is made of two layers: POLY-FLEX which is a deep-needled polyester felt. This is used to maintain the shape of the pad and spread pressure, whilst polyester wadding provides padding. The Mattes cloths are made to be breathable.
The Mattes Spinefree design reliably prevents any pressure around the withers and spine. The Mattes secure Saddle-Fix system allows the top seam of the cloth to be attached comfortably in the saddle gullet.
There is a wide range of colours and trims available, the above pictures are just some examples. Please contact us with your specific requirements.
Prices start at £60.00 depending on trim and colour combination.
Mattes Saddle Pad
- Back Length (all styles): Cob (54cm), Full (58cm)
- GP Depth: Cob (49.5cm), Full (51.5cm)
- Jumping Depth: Cob (48cm), Full (50cm)
- Dressage Depth: Cob (53cm), Full (56cm)